Equipment and Terms Explained

As I have been writing I have noticed I have been using terms that some people may not know.  I have put this list together to help explain some of them.  No doubt I will have missed off plenty and will be adding extra over time.

Ghost Box

A device which scans through radio waves continually.  The idea is that a spirit may be able to manipulate the signals to pick out words on radio stations to send a message.  This message is known as EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). 


This is an EMF meter (elecro magnetic field).  The K2 is just one example of a meter of this kind but is one of the most popular makes.  It picks up on electrical energy near it and will, in theory, flash it's lights when a spirit is close to it.  It can be effected by nearby mobile phone signals so if you are a ghost hunt with a K2, turn your phone off or at least set it to airplane mode.

 Psychic Circle

Participants stand in a circle holding hands and call out for spirits to move them.  This can lead to people being all over the place, arms lifted up and people knotted around each other.

Human Pendulum

Still in a hand holding circle, three people stand in the middle.  The centre person is the pendulum and the others are there to catch them if they fall too far.  Questions are asked of the spirits and the human pendulum will lean back or forth for yes and no answers.


A means of contacting spirits.  This can be all kinds of things including looking in to a crystal ball, water, glass, fire, mirrors and other items to see images or messages.


Most commonly known as the metal rods used to locate water.  They can also be used to locate other items and get yes/no answers to questions.  This can be done with a pendulum too.

Ouija Board

Not the scary thing people think it is, it just has a bad rep from TV and films.  It's the exact same thing as any other method of contacting spirits.  Can be a proper board or just letters and numbers on bits of paper on a table.  The item that you all put a finger on to move around the board is called the planchette.  This can be anything that will move around easily, most commonly a small upturned glass.

Singapore Theory

This is the idea that spirits will become more active when things have been made familiar to them.  This is often done by playing music of the era you are trying to get through to but can also include films, dressing up and re-enacting things.

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