Thursday 30 October 2014

The first hunt

Tonight was my first actual ghost hunt at Nostell Priory.  I had a mini hunt with the team at Knottingley town hall on interview night which was pretty good but didn't have a lot going on.  This one didn't bring massive results but there were a few things going on.

I had my first try with dowsing rods.  I had only really heard of them being used to find water before but now I know how to use them to talk to the dead.  For those like me that don't know, you ask them to show you their positions for yes and for no, then you can ask yes/no questions.  I didn't get anything from them and I am not convinced that this works, however I will be having a play with these some more and am happy to be proven wrong.

I also had my first play with a pendulum crystal.  I was unsure about how this worked too, but it's much the same as with the rods.  I had what seemed to be some communication with this method.  I had felt as though there was someone in the corner of the room watching us, so went there with the crystal.  I found it going side to side for yes and circular for no.  I then found that there was someone there that lived in the house and had been watching us.  There was no answer as to if this was a male or female.  I am not sure if this was real, coincidental movement or me doing it without knowing.  This is also something I am going to have a play with to see how it goes and what happens.

The table tipping interests me a lot.  I personally hold no faith in this at all but tonight had a bit of something that was very odd.  While I am sure I did see at least one person moving the table (not on purpose I am sure) there was a moment the table was tipping over to one side to the most insane angle without falling over.  It looked like even with someone touching the top to hold it, it was so far over that the weight would have caused the legs to slip out from under it.  I want to have a mess about with the tables they use on the next hunt just to get a feel for the weight and how much pressure it takes to move it in certain ways. 

There was some interesting response on the K2 device (something I need to learn more about, but I believe it picks  up on electro-magnetic activity).  There were answers to questions being called out in the form of lights flashing on the device.  They were going pretty crazy.  I can't wait to see if anything shows up on the recordings. 

Let's get hunting!

Hi.  My name is Nikki but I am also known as Violet in some circles.  I answer to both these days so either works.  
I am starting this fresh new blog to document my journey on becoming a ghost hunter.  I have always been very interested in the paranormal and all things unusual and supernatural and when I was given the chance to work with Pontefract Paranormal, I jumped at it.  I have basic working knowledge of most of the things they do, but am about to delve deeper in and learn a whole lot more.  The gadgets are something that really interest me even though I have no idea what most of them do.  I do have a very scientific mind so the idea of having hard evidence is something that I like.

I am going to be posting things here from time to time about hunts I go on and experiences I have.  Things I see and my thoughts about it.  I will also post anything I find interesting or useful along the way.

So feel free to come with me on the ghost train for a spooky journey.