Thursday 30 October 2014

Let's get hunting!

Hi.  My name is Nikki but I am also known as Violet in some circles.  I answer to both these days so either works.  
I am starting this fresh new blog to document my journey on becoming a ghost hunter.  I have always been very interested in the paranormal and all things unusual and supernatural and when I was given the chance to work with Pontefract Paranormal, I jumped at it.  I have basic working knowledge of most of the things they do, but am about to delve deeper in and learn a whole lot more.  The gadgets are something that really interest me even though I have no idea what most of them do.  I do have a very scientific mind so the idea of having hard evidence is something that I like.

I am going to be posting things here from time to time about hunts I go on and experiences I have.  Things I see and my thoughts about it.  I will also post anything I find interesting or useful along the way.

So feel free to come with me on the ghost train for a spooky journey.

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