Saturday 1 November 2014

The second hunt

Nothing too much seemed to be happening tonight but then when it did it really did.

As I said I would, I checked on the tables used for the table tipping.  The angle they were held at seemed to be very odd.  It tipped so far to one side that you would have thought the legs would slip out from under it and it would just crash to the floor.  I tested this by tipping the table up and trying to keep it from falling by only touching the top.  I couldn't do it.  It would only tip so far and then fell.  I couldn't get it to the angle it had been in the table tipping session at all so even though I said I hold on faith in it, this has got me wondering.

The medium tonight was Wayne and he picked up on quite a few spirits.  I had felt someone in the corner watching us last time, and this time I felt someone there again.  I think it was a different spirit and this time I had a strong feeling. It tingled down my back almost as if being touched.  Wayne confirmed that there was someone there called Gerard.  He did come through on the Ouija a little, as well as Charlie and another who's name escapes me now.   

The main event of the night came towards the end.  We had the lights out and two K2 boxes (electro magnetic field reader) next to yes and no signs, nothing much came from these.  There was an adapted baby monitor and a Franks Box (scans through de-tuned radio waves).  I don't think there was a huge amount of evidence from the Franks Box either, but the baby monitor was spooky.  As Wayne was speaking to a gentleman on the other side, the monitor was lighting up and as Wayne asked the man to not laugh at him, the monitor lit up like a Christmas tree and the sound of a crackly wave like laughing came through.  Right after, it went off for about 3 seconds then came back on.  While we were in there, there was a feeling that someone was stood right with me, but not a living person.  Wayne confirmed this again.

There were other things noted during the night from the others, but these are my experiences for tonight.  I can't wait for the next hunt and I will be doing some more reading and learning in between.  If I find anything really interesting then I will post it up on here, until then......happy hunting.

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