Friday 13 February 2015

Knottingley Town Hall 6/2/15

I had been told that the hall normally has quite a bit of activity but the first time I was here with just the crew on my interview day nothing much happened really.  I was very keen to get back in and see what happened this time.  The hall did not let us down, we had some very interesting results.

We split in to two groups and started in the cellar and the on the 2nd floor, leaving an empty 1st floor between us to reduce sound from each other interfering with our findings.  My group was in the cellar first which is a large room with a door then leading to a corridor.  This then has other smaller rooms sprouting off from it used for storage of various items.  We used the last room at the end to the left, with the room to the right's doorway just opposite.  The first thing we did was to stand in a circle and to do a grounding.  We then had some calling out and lights out time.  Our medium for the evening Susan was picking up on a few things, one being that she felt that someone had hung down there and that there was at one time lower levels under the cellar.  She also picked up on monks and some kind of injuries to someones shoulder.

As we were stood there in the dark, many of us felt that there was someone watching us from the opposite doorway.  There glimpses of shadows and shapes but I don't think there was anything too amazing.  We put some light on and split again in to two groups, one in the same room with the Ouija board and one down the hall with pendulums and dowsing rods.  I stayed with the Ouija board.

There was a lot of various bits came through and I can't even remember it all.  I do remember a young girl and then a man telling us to 'f**k off go away'.  As some of this conversation was going on, the EMF meter was going crazy.  I got some video of it flashing away.

One thing we had a lot of down there was noise from above.  It sounded like heavy tables being dragged on laminate flooring but the 1st floor is mostly carpet.  The dance studio has hard flooring but I don't recall anything heavy in there, plus none of us would be so disrespectful to drag anything around on the beautiful floor of their studio.  We guessed that the sounds must have been made on the 2nd floor and just sounded like they were right over us.  It is an old building so the sound could just carry through.  However at break time when both groups came together for tea on the 2nd floor we both said 'You lot were making some right racket, what the hell were you doing?'  No one could recall doing anything that would make that noise and both groups said that no one had split off and wondered away, yet both groups had heard lots of loud scraping.

We swapped over for the second session, they went off to the cellar and we stayed on the 2nd floor, again keeping the empty floor between us.

We started off with a human pendulum.  We stood in a circle with a girl in the middle.  Then Jane and I stood in front of and behind her.  Susan asked questions and the girl sway forward for yes and backward for no.  Susan and another lady said they could see a mans face showing over the top of the girls face.  The man coming through seemed to be a bad presence, controlling and dominant.  The girl in the middle said she was having trouble opening and then closing her eyes.  She collapsed and burst in to tears and it took a while to calm her.  We had a second pendulum circle with different people and some answers coming through but the previous one was still distracting a few of us.

We played some music on my record player for a while, wanting to try and provoke activity.  I did feel as though people were coming in through the doors of the hall, dressed up and ready to dance.  We shut off the music and sat around the table ready for a seance.  As we sat around there were sounds from all over the room.  Lots of little clicks, taps and creeks which you could argue away with it being an old building but the volume and frequency of them was very unusual.  The dragging noises were back too right below us and people from the cellar kept coming up every now and then to check it wasn't us as they were hearing it down there too.  The strangest sound we heard though was a sound of rushing foot steps towards us.  It came behind me and scared one girl so much she jumped up from her chair and jumped on to her friends lap.  I think we all heard it.

As well as this one of our crew seemed to just fall unconscious at the table and took a long time to come back.  Then a male member of the public said he kept feeling an anger running through him, but it wasn't his anger.   

We all came back together for a break and still no one could figure out how we were all hearing the dragging sound or where it could be coming from.

After the break we all took different rooms on the 1st floor.  A Ouija board, but didn't really bring many results but our time sat in the court room was strange.  A few up on the judges stand said they felt like they had choices to make and that other people in the room didn't agree but they were all wrong.  I had been feeling little tickles all over the sides of my face and back of my neck all night, but in this room it was very intense.

I can't recall much else from the night, I have had problems getting this written with my lap top dying on me so it's been a week since it happened.  I have a small voice recorder on the way in the post now to document everything as it is happening, so I hope to be able to bring back all the goings on with me.

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