Tuesday 24 February 2015

The new venue - The RAFA club

Bit late getting this written up but better late than never as they say.

The RAFA club (RAF association) was a members only club during the war for service men and their partners.  The club still stands and is still trading, but it's many members have become aged and left this world, leaving low numbers of the original members and only a few newer members.  The building was home to a doctors surgery before it was the RAFA.  I have not done any digging as yet to find information on the building and the land as I thought knowing may affect the initial investigation, so I shall be doing the research soon and may post a report on the place.

We got settled in and went around baseline testing.  For those who don't know, this is a record of each room's temperature, both ambient and surface, humidity and EMF.  EMF (electromagnetic field) should normally be zero but you can find hot spots sometimes and if you walk around you may find places close enough to something electrical to set it off.  This is all noted as well as anything you can see that may affect the results, things like a draft, cracked window, hole in the ceiling (as there was there) creaky floor boards, that kind of thing.  I noticed that as we were doing this, there was one room I didn't like the feel of before I even opened the door.  I didn't really want to open the door, but I did anyway.  I really didn't like the room.

After baselines were taken we sat in the room where the Lions come to meet.  We had the modified baby monitor on and were getting sounds but could not quite be sure about feedback levels and had some debate about it.  It was decided to use it as a good old fashioned listening device and the sending unit was placed in a front room with a drum kit in it, so we named it the drum room (inventive I know, and this was the room I didn't like).  While the monitor was in this room we could hear sounds as though fabric was rubbing on the mic.  I wondered if it might actually be a breeze blowing as this was the room with a hole in the ceiling, but while the room was very cold, it didn't have a breeze you could feel.  The noise was constant and was then joined by another sound, a low bumping sound that was almost train like in rhythm.  This sound then continued on and was joined by a further more strange sound.  We could hear breathing.  Not too heavy, but it was as though someone was quite close to the mic, just breathing.  We called out but didn't get any replies, just these same sounds.  The room it had been placed in was locked and we had the key with us.  It was mentioned that it may be the sound of traffic outside but I have never heard traffic sound like that, and as I have a young child now and use a baby monitor at home, I have heard many traffic sounds come through, but that sound was very different.  That sound was more like when my son had stood up in his bed, reached over and grabbed the monitor and was playing about with it.

The monitor was moved to the toilets and it fell almost silent.  We had the slight sound of the mic being touched for a while but then it seemed to stop and we didn't hear it again.

We had a break and then went down to the bar area.  The Ouija board was set up and was very active.  I don't have my notes on all that happened, they were taken by mistake by one of the team, but I wouldn't want to say too much in detail yet anyway.  We had names and numbers coming through.  Service men and their wives, and also some who may have been related to it being the doctors.  The board just kept going and going, some conversation and then a goodbye, followed by large circles as another stepped up.  If you know me then you will know I don't have much faith in Ouija boards at all, but it was interesting to see one going as much as this.  Plus, there was a word used that I'm sure none of us knew.  Migmow.  The board had kept spelling out gibberish and had said they were laughing at us, so when this word came out we said that isn't a word, it said yes, so we asked if we looked it up it would be a real word, again it said yes.  Mark looked it up and there is an urban dictionary listing for migmo (without the w) "a word used to confuse others."  Given that the spirit had already said they were laughing at us and spelling out gibberish to take the micky, it seemed a fitting word to use.

I played some 40's/50's music on my record player, lit a candle, used my new crystal pendulum and took photos and video, but didn't really get too much from it.  The only thing I found with my video was that it looks as though the camera is constantly moving, juddering but was set down on a solid surface.  I thought it may have just been something to do with the camera, but on testing it out at home I didn't get the same result.

We didn't end up doing a lot of experiments that night but we did get to have a good look around and got some activity.  This place needs more investigation for sure.  I am convinced there is something there.  I tend to only really feel spirits properly when other people are not too close to me to distract me.  I have been in some creepy buildings, Newsham Park Hospital for instance.  I walked around in there with no problem, on my own, away from the group in a huge creepy abandoned asylum with no electricity.  But here I was, in a building the size of a large house, still in use with all the lights on but my goodness there was something there making me feel uneasy when the crew weren't close by.  I even heard the upstairs toilet doors moving, I thought it was Mark, but I went back down stairs and there he was, sitting with everyone else.

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