Thursday 9 June 2016

30 East Drive Ghost Hunt

I didn't write this up at the time so this will be a short one, however there wasn't really much to tell anyway.  This hunt was Pontefract Paranormal crew only that was conducted on April 21st 2016.

I was the first to go in.  I collected the keys and headed in alone.  I was greeted to the sight of a kitchen knife in the speaker of the old radio.  Lovely.  I had a walk around the house and then just sat for a while calling out.  I put a ball on the floor and asked for movement, I asked if any spirit could make a sound, move anything or touch me but I got nothing.

The others started to turn up slowly and once we were all in we started on setting up experiments up stairs.  We had cameras rolling with light bars that flash to sound, balls that flash when moved and some trigger objects.  Then it was back to the living room for food and a chat, bit of chill out time.

After food we all sat in the darkness and did some calling out with the K2 flashing now and then.  I don't remember anything really happening.  We went up stares and spread out over the top floor.  The feeling up there was quite uneasy.  I am normally nerves of steel but I didn't like being there and even though I had walked around earlier alone and felt ok about it, at night I didn't like the feeling up there and would not go up stares alone.  This is from someone who went alone down the pitch black corridor at the abandoned Newsham Park Hospital to what was once the morgue.

When we were up stares calling out, twice one of the others said they had felt someone touching them and the second time lead to screaming.  Even Susan, our lovely medium didn't like that room and didn't want to go back in.  She was feeling something that was never human to start with.  I was feeling as though there was someone else in the room with us before the screaming part, but I didn't really pick up on much all night apart from the uneasy feeling.

Once we had done up stares we went back down and I looked over the footage I had from before.  I did find that the ball that lights up to movement did flash on it's own but that was all I got.  I did test the ball out but unfortunately didn't get that part on film.  I knocked in, threw it about and dropped it.  It would take one hell of a bump to set it off, yet there it was flashing away.  Fresh batteries in there too and it only did it the once.  Not sure what to make of that.  I thought I had caught a creepy floating shadow but that turned out to be a crane fly.

We did have the place until 12 mid day but we didn't stay as planned.  I had wanted to sleep over and had got my pillow and sleeping bag in the car but there was nothing going on, we were all tired and I really didn't like the feeling I was getting and didn't want to try and sleep in that atmosphere.  Most of us just went home and the few that stayed back a bit longer said that still nothing happened.

I would like to have another night in the house just to do more tests and see how it feels but it just costs too much me.

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