Thursday 9 June 2016

Sheffield Emergency Services Museum Ghost Hunt

The hunt took place on the 4th June 2016.  The place does feel a bit creepy anyway with the number of mannequins all over.  They are on the stares and lurking around corners.  It's a nice place though and I quite liked the feel of it apart from one spot, but I will get on to that as we go along.

We all got settled in, the public turned up and we had the whole safety tour with the staff and did some grounding.  Had a bit of psychic circle time which didn't bring much and then split off in teams.  My team started on the top floor of the three and we kicked off with just sitting and calling out.  I had a lot of tickles on my face and itching all over as I did all night.  I also had a split second vision of the wall across from me being hit by a falling bomb.  There was a lady said it felt as though a cat had brushed past her leg and our medium Susan was picking up a few things.  Then Mark put on the ghost box (scans over radio waves to pick up on possible messages from spirits) which for some odd reason I just felt like I needed to be close to.  I went over and sat by it.  Mark and Susan were not getting much response but I asked if anyone there could tell us their name and it said "Paul".  I asked it to confirm the name and once again it said "Paul".  I asked if anyone else was there, it said a few names including Paul at the start and end.  I can't remember the other names but there was an Earnie and a Sam.  I asked if we would get movement on the table if we did some table tipping, it said yes, then I asked if he would be the one tipping the table and we got the answer "what table?" The table was still folded away so it seamed like a legitimate question.  Mark got all this on his voice recorder and I will try and get it on here if he is happy to share the files.  Aside from the Nostall Priory laughing incident this has to be one of the strangest things I have heard first hand from the ghost box.

We had two lots of people on different tables but my lot only got a gentle rock, the others had a little tip going on.

We had break time then moved on to the ground floor.  There is a room with old police vehicles in it so we had a human pendulum in here (a person in the middle of the circle tipping back or forth as yes or no).  I kept out to one side as I pick up on more when I am away from other people.  I wasn't getting much down at one end but when I decided to move I started walking and then suddenly realised I was walking like a shackled prisoner, shuffling my feet close together in tiny steps and holding my hands together in front of me. 
Mail Online pic of Scream Queens cast demonstrating 'shackle walk chic'

I moved around the room to the other side where the door was.  This door led out to a corridor with the holding cell.  I hated that corridor.  I could feel someone nasty there on the other side of the door so I stood there for a while and then I felt it come through the door even though it was closed.  It was almost a threatening feeling.  The human pendulum was all the while talking to a man who said he was a guard and he protected people who came to the building from the bad people who were still there.  I started to feel uncomfortable in that corner and went to the other corner where I felt a good presence and think it might have been the person they were talking to.

We headed out to the corridor and I still didn't like the feeling there.  A few went in the cell and I joined them briefly but I was not getting anything in there though one man said something touched his leg.  On the Ouija board in the corridor it spelled out 'fuck off'.  Susan was not happy to keep on with the board when it was swearing at us.  

We tried a few other things on the middle floor but got nothing and then went back down to the corridor.  There was a room that had display cases containing actual murder weapons and one even had the photos of the victim with it.  In here we tried the ghost box again.  The man with us here tried his best at a demanding voice of authority as a guard might have talked to them.  He demanded a name and we think the voice that came back sounded like "fuck off".  He demanded a name again and it sounded like "go away".  This was not recorded though.

At the end of the night we tried a Ouija board in the back of the old police van which did nothing, but the torch of a guest which had been fine all night suddenly started to flash, going dimmer and brighter when it was put down.  A lady started asking questions and asking for flashes in response and it seemed to mostly correspond.  When we stopped talking about it the flashing would stop and then start again when the questions started back up.  The torch then stopped flashing after this.  There are obvious explanations for this but non the less it seemed very strange.

This brought us to the end of the night.  It was a wonderful place and there was some odd goings on and some strange feelings, but on a whole I didn't feel we got anything very solid other than the ghost box conversation which was compelling.  I can't wait to hear it back again outside of the building.

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